General Practitioner Resources

Here at Stirling Podiatry we know the importance of communicating effectively with our colleagues in other sectors. In order to help us communicate items of importance to you in a timely and efficient manner we would appreciate it if you could provide us with some basic contact details. These details will be held in confidence and processed in line with our privacy policy. More details on the type and method of communication to expect from us can be found further down this page.

GP Practice Contact Details Submission Form

So when and how might we contact you?

We would only contact you to communicate an item of clinical significance. This may include:

  • To advise you of a clinical need where your intervention or assistance is required.
  • To request your assistance with a referral such as dermatology, vascular or scanning.
  • To advise you of a change in a mutual patient's presentation or well-being that we feel of importance to assist you. This may include assessments including diabetic foot screening, vascular assessments or EKGs as an example.
  • To advise you that we have issued our mutual patient with antibiotics or are carrying out minor surgery.

We are always happy to discuss any correspondence that we have sent you should you have further queries. We obtain informed written and verbal consent for our treatments and are compliant with all HCPC requirements as well as those of the Royal College of Podiatry.

We endeavour to send all our correspondence electronically, but where this is unavailable, Royal Mail will be utilised. In line with the UK GDPR and Data Protection Acts, our electronic correspondence with you will be encrypted. The password will be provided to you in a separate email. Should you have any questions about any aspect of our governance or how we can assist you with patient care, please contact our clinical lead Emma on or leave a message to request a callback with our reception team on 01786 358252.

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